Karrell Fox use to tell a joke about his wife using the money she found on his dresser to pay the news paper boy. As she is describing the coins she found, he realizes they were his trick coins. Ouch! That was costly.
How many of you have carried around trick coins and accidently spent them as real coins?
One of the advantages of buying the trick coins I am selling here on DollarStoreMagicTricks, they are NOT as expensive as the one I use to buy. For one thing the folding coin I sell is a fake Morgan Dollar. So it is obviously not real currency. Nor are the Copper/Silver coin set.
They function as real coins and to the average eye they will fool you into believing they are real.
OH, one warning, do not loose you bang ring for the Copper/Silver coin set. You have to have that to open the coins, with out it you are screwed. Unless you buy another bang ring.
I love coin tricks more than card tricks. Why? I think coins offer a bit of variety to your magic. People don’t have to remember the chosen card and the card